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July 13, 2016

Announcing Kid's Delight~Lunch Box Recipes

I am hosting Valli's Kid's Delight event this month and the theme for this month is 'Lunch Box Recipes'. Cooking for my kid's lunch is one of the toughest things for me. I am always at a loss of ideas on what to pack for them. So I'm asking all of you to please share your kid approved lunch box ideas, so that packing lunch is not going to be a chore but a fun experience.
Any and all lunch ideas are welcome (only restriction being they have to be vegetarian -- eggs are allowed). Here's a few things you need to know:
  • Cook any kid approved Lunch box dishes with and post in your blog between July 15~August 15, 2016.
  • Link to this post and Valli's Kid's Delight announcement post is mandatory.
  • Old posts need to be reposted with links to this post and Valli's Kid's Delight event announcement post.
  • Do not have blog, but want to contribute, then email me your recipes to I will post them on my blog and include them in the round up.
  • Multiple entries are allowed, in fact they are encouraged.
  • Only Vegetarian dishes please, eggs are allowed.
  • Use of logo is optional.

Here's how to send in your entries:
Email your entries to before end of day August 15, 2016 with the following information:
  • Your name
  • Blog name/ Blog URL (if applicable)
  • Entry Name
  • Entry URL (if applicable)
  • Include a brief description of the dish and how he/she enjoyed it
  • I can take the pictures from your posts, but if you have disabled right clicking in your blog, please send me a picture of at least 580px wide. Non-bloggers please email me a picture along with your recipe details.
Looking forward to all your entries.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for hosting Pavani, I am so looking forward to all the entries..I know it will be so useful!


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