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September 22, 2015

Baghrir (Moroccan Semolina Pancakes)

Buffet on Table: Breakfasts across Countries
Day 19: Moroccan Baghrir with Honey-Butter Sauce
Today we are going to Morocco for breakfast with these semolina pancakes called Baghrir. They are soft and spongy yeasted pancakes that just melt-in-your-mouth.
Moroccan Semolina Pancakes
The yeast in the batter causes hundreds of bubbles to form and break on the surface of the pancakes as it cooks. This gives baghrir it's unique texture and appearance. Correct consistency of the batter is very critical for the bubbles to form, if the batter is too thick or thin, bubbles can't form.

I have seen recipes with just semolina flour (fine sooji can be used instead) and some used different ratios of semolina and all-purpose flour. I followed the recipe from Cooking with Alia with 50-50 semolina and all-purpose flour. I replaced the AP flour with wholewheat pastry flour.
Moroccan Semolina Pancakes
Some recipes cook only 1 side while others cook on both sides. I stuck to the recipe and cooked only on one side, in which case it is recommended not to stack the pancakes on top of each other which will result in them sticking together. Also in the original recipe, the pancakes where dipped in the honey-butter sauce, but I drizzled it over the pancakes.

Recipe from Cooking with Alia:
Semolina flour or Fine Sooji - ¾cup
Wholewheat Pastry flour (or all purpose flour) - ¾cup
Instant Yeast - 1tsp
Sugar - 1½tsp
Salt - ½tsp
Baking Powder - ½tsp
Warm Water - 2¼cups

For the Honey-Butter sauce:
Honey - 3tbsp
Butter - 2tbsp

Chopped Almonds - for serving

    • Combine semolina, flour, yeast, sugar, salt and baking powder in a mixing bowl.
    • Add the water and mix well to form a lump-free batter. Blend in a blender to make sure there are absolutely no lumps. 
    • Cover the batter and set aside for 30 minutes.
    • Heat a nonstick skillet on medium heat. Pour a ladle full of batter and you will soon see the bubbles rising to the top. Cook till the top dries out, this will take about 2~3 minutes. Remove onto a plate and repeat with the remaining batter. Serve warm with the honey butter sauce.
    • To make Honey-butter Sauce: Melt butter and stir in the honey until combined. Serve with the pancakes.
    Moroccan Semolina Pancakes

    Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 56.



    1. Such a beautifully done pancake!..I had selected something else from morocco..had it been a pancake theme, I would have surely picked this..very nicely done!

    2. Very Interesting pancakes..the tiny pores make such a beautiful pattern...absolutely spongy and attractive ones...serving with almonds is a neat idea.

    3. Baghrir is beautifully made and the first picture is inviting.

    4. They are looking fab. Mine are coming later. :)

    5. The pancakes looks so beautiful with those tiny pores.Lovely clicks Pavani.

    6. amazing... they look so soft and the click is great

    7. I do this pancakes quite often, love with honey butter sauce very much.

    8. Very inviting pics. Good share,Bookmarked, will try sometime.

    9. Wow they are so simple and elegant.. U have made it so well..

    10. wow !! I saw this at Suma's space.. and loved the simplicity....

    11. Simple and yummy. Captivating pictures too.


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