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May 12, 2015

Shortcakes with Strawberry & Mango

Blogging Marathon# 52: Week 2/ Day 3
Theme: Seasonal Veggies & Fruits
Dish: Shortcakes with Strawberry-Mango 
For the final day of this week's marathon, I picked juicy strawberries and mangoes as my seasonal fruits. Spring brings in so many fresh and delicious produce that is very exciting to visit the farmers market or even the grocery store. So many varieties of fresh fruits and vegetables to choose, it is sometimes overwhelming. I feel like I have to buy everything because what if they are not there the next time I come to the store.
Shortcakes with Strawberry-Mango
We have been enjoying strawberries a lot this season. My daughter loves them and she's been eating them for snack almost every day. She feels so disappointed when I tell her that we are out of strawberries. So strawberries have become a regular item on my grocery list now.

I have been planning to bake these biscuits using self rising flour for a long time. It was actually on my mega marathon list too, but I couldn't find any good quality strawberries at that time.
These biscuits are easy to make with very few ingredients. They are flaky, slightly crunchy on the outside and soft inside. It is best to serve them the day they are made but they can be stored wrapped tightly at room temperature for couple of days or even frozen for longer time. Just reheat them in a 350°F oven for 10~12 minutes or until nicely heated through.
Shortcakes with Strawberry-Mango
If you use self rising flour, then there's no need to add salt or leaving agent to the dough. But if you don't have it on hand, then make your own self rising flour, I included the instructions in the recipe below.
Traditionally these slightly sweet biscuits are served with macerated strawberries and whipped cream. I happened to have a ripe mango too on hand, so I added that in for a slight tropical twist.

Recipe from here:
For the Biscuits:
Self rising flour** - 1cup
Cold Unsalted butter - 2tbsp
Cold Milk - ⅓cup + a little bit more if needed
Sugar - 1½tbsp
Vanilla extract - ½tsp

For the filling:
Heavy cream - ½cup
Strawberries - 1cup, hulled and chopped
Mango - 1 small, peeled and diced
Sugar - as needed to sweeten the fruit and whipped cream (1~2tbsp)

** Homemade Self Rising Flour: Make your own self rising flour at home by combining 1cup all purpose flour1½tsp Baking powder¼tsp Salt. Use as needed.

  • Preheat oven to 425°F.
  • Place the flour and sugar in a mixing bowl. Work in the butter just until crumbs are the size of large peas.
  • Stir in vanilla to milk. Add the milk mixture to the flour and stir until the mixture holds together and leaves the sides of the bowl, adding more milk if needed.
  • Scoop the dough onto a well floured surface and fold it over on itself several times, using more flour as needed to prevent sticking.
  • Roll or pat the dough into a 5"x8½" rectangle about ½"~¾" thick.
  • Cut biscuits with a sharp, round 2" cutter, dipping the cutter into flour in between cuts to reduce sticking. Pat the scraps together and cut into additional biscuits. Or the biscuits can be cut into rectangles, which will allow to skip the step of re-rolling and cutting scraps.
  • Place the biscuits on an ungreased baking tray, leaving about 1" between them. Bake the biscuits for 10~14 minutes or until they're light golden brown. 
  • Remove them from the oven and let cool on wire rack.
  • Prepare the filling: Whip the heavy cream along with sugar until light and fluffy.
  • Add sugar to the chopped strawberries and set aside for 15~20 minutes.
  • When ready to serve, add the chopped mango and mix well.
  • To Serve: Split the biscuit in half,place some of the fruit on the bottom and a dollop of whipped cream. Serve immediately and Enjoy!!
Shortcakes with Strawberry-Mango
Lets check out what my fellow marathoners have cooked today for BM# 52.


  1. Pavani, tha'ts not fair!..the picture is so so sinful ...very beautifully clicked!

  2. Wow.Lovely picture Pavani.Can't take my eyes from the photos.I can see the crunchiness of the shortcake from the photos :-)

  3. Wow these are waiting to be picked, great pics.

  4. These short cakes look absolutely sinful. The presentation makes it much more tempting.

  5. What a visual treat! All those flavors must make the biscuits so tasty.

  6. Wat a delightful dessert, with my favourite fruits, just loving it.

  7. I love how those biscuits have turned out and with all those add-ons, those shortcakes look lovely.


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Have a Wonderful Day!!