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February 12, 2015

Whole Tomato Rice with Indian flavors (made in Rice Cooker)

Blogging Marathon# 49: Week 2/ Day 3
Theme: Cooking for 1
Dish: Whole Tomato Rice with Indian flavors
Today's recipe is not a recipe at all. This post will make the other two recipes that I posted this week seem to take forever. I saw this 'Whole Tomato rice in Rice cooker' recipe on many blogs. It is exactly what it sounds -- Rice is cooked along with whole tomato in the rice cooker to make this tomato rice. Apparently it is a recent food trend in Japan.
Whole Tomato Rice with Indian flavors (made in Rice Cooker)
I recently started using my 3cup rice cooker that has been collecting dust for almost a year. For some reason, rice cookers never appealed to me and I resisted buying one for a very long time. This small one was actually supposed to be returned to the store, but we got lazy and it got too late to send it back. I started using it especially when I'm cooking just for the kids.
Whole Tomato Rice with Indian flavors (made in Rice Cooker)
I was initially skeptical on how this dish would taste. Most of the recipes I saw were only flavored with salt, pepper and oil. But I wanted a slightly spicy Indian flavored tomato rice, so added some red chili powder and garam masala. For the amount of work that went into making this dish, it turned out pretty good; mildly spiced with a nice tomato taste in the background.
The next time I make it, I'll probably add some protein, may be some green peas, cooked chickpeas, cubed tofu or paneer or a fried egg on top. This dish is perfect for those days when you are dog tired and have absolutely no energy to make anything.
Whole Tomato Rice with Indian flavors (made in Rice Cooker)
IngredientsServes 1 very hungry person
Rice - 1cup (use the cup that comes with the rice cooker)
Tomato - 1 medium
Onion - 2tbsp, chopped (optional)
Green Chili - 1~2, very finely chopped
Red Chili powder - ¼tsp (adjust per taste preference) 
Garam Masala - ¼tsp (adjust per taste preference)
Salt - to taste

Optional additions:
Green Peas
Mixed Vegetables
Baked tofu
Fried egg

  • Remove the tomato stem and make a '+' cut on the other end.
  • In the rice cooker, combine rice, chopped onion (if using), green chili, red chili powder, garam masala and salt. Mix well. 
  • Add water to the rice according to the machine instructions. Place the tomato stem side down ('+' side up) in the center of the rice. Set the rice cooker to 'Cook' and wait till its done.
  • Once done, mix the rice with the mushy tomato to evenly distribute it. It's now ready to serve. But if you want any additional mix-ins, par cook them and add them to the rice now. Mix well and Enjoy hot with some chips!!
Whole Tomato Rice with Indian flavors (made in Rice Cooker)
Lets check out what my fellow marathoners have cooked today for BM# 49


  1. :-) this way of cooking is so new to me so yum

  2. Wow I am amazed at the recipe Pavani..this must be the most sought out dish for a lazy person to assemble..sounds interesting..though right now I am skeptical if the cooked tomato will suit my we are so used to the fried version of tomatoes...very good one!..enjoyed your series

  3. interesting way of using whole tomatoes... should be so flavorful!!

  4. That is indeed a easy to make dish! I like your description of 'very hungry person' :)

  5. Rice with whole tomato. Looks yummy.

  6. One simple, filling meal on a lazy day.

  7. Wow! The pictures look amazing. Simple and flavorful!!

  8. that last pic makes me just want to grab a spoon

  9. Very interesting and filling meal, lovely one pot meal.

  10. Tomato rice looks very yummy. Easy quick recipe.

  11. Always be my favorite food.... I am very glad to see it here.

  12. The rice looks very good, I like it very much

  13. It is amazing, like it.


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