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July 18, 2014

Thotakura Thelagapindi Kura (Amaranth Greens-Sesame Curry)

I have a very simple and healthy curry today. I watched it on a Telugu cooking show and made it right away. I made this last month in US when I had a bowl full of fresh amaranth leaves that I harvested before leaving to India on vacation. I think this curry can also be made with other greens like spinach, kale or swiss chard. 
Thotakura Thelagapindi Kura (Amaranth Greens-Sesame Curry)
I didn't plant too many herbs or flower plants this year for the fear of them dying due to neglect while we are away. With my husband's busy travel schedule I've little hope that he will water the plants, I keep reminding him anyway to at least take care of them during the weekend. My mint plants must have taken over the world by now, hopefully they won't get too flowery and tough when we get back.
Amaranth Greens
** Thelaga pindi is made from the husk of the sesame seeds that is left after squeezing out the oil. It is packed with nutrients and has much less fat content than sesame seeds. If you don't have thelaga pindi, then simply use lightly roasted and ground sesame seeds.
Thotakura Thelagapindi Kura (Amaranth Greens-Sesame Curry)
Thotakura/ Amaranth leaves - 3~4 cups, finely chopped
Thelagapindi** - 2tbsp
Green Chilies - 2, slit
Garlic cloves - 2~3, crushed
Dry red chilies - 2
Mustard seeds - 1tsp
Cumin seeds - ½tsp
Curry Leaves - 8~10
Salt - to taste

  • Heat oil in a saute pan, add the mustard and cumin seeds, dry red chili and curry leaves. Once the seeds start to splutter, add the green chilies and amaranth leaves. 
  • Mix well, cover and cook till the greens are tender, about 8~10 minutes.
  • Add thelaga pindi and salt. Mix well and cook for another 1~2 minutes. Serve with steamed rice and dal.

Linking this to Valli's 'Cooking from Cookbook Challenge -- July -- Week 3'.



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