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December 17, 2013

Whole Grain Pancake Mix

Blogging Marathon# 35: Week 3/ Day 1
Theme: Kid's Delight -- Cooking with Whole Grains 
Dish: Breakfast -- Whole Grain Pancake Mix
We are starting 3rd week of blogging marathon# 35 today and my theme for this week is 'Kid's Delight -- Cooking with Whole Grains'. This edition of Kid's Delight event is being hosted by Sandhya @ My Cooking Journey. She is looking for kid approved dishes that are made with 'Whole Grains'.
When I signed up for this theme I had a lot of ideas of what I want to make for this week. But then I started thinking if any of those dishes will be approved by my super picky 6 year old son. Then I decided to incorporate whole grains into dishes that he loves and I'm glad that he enjoyed the dishes I made for him. 
Whole Grain Pancake Mix
For the first day, I referred to the 'King Arthur Flour Whole Grain Baking' cookbook and found this whole grain pancake mix recipe. My son loves pancakes for breakfast on weekends and I make them almost every other weekend. This pancake mix is very convenient to have in the fridge/ freezer and pancakes can be made in no time now.

Whole Grain Pancake Mix
With the holiday season in full swing, this mix also makes an excellent edible gift to your family & friends. Put the mix in a cute little container and just put a tag on how to make the pancakes. It's just as simple as that.
Whole Grain Pancake Mix
Ingredients: Makes 10 cups of Pancake mix
Oats - 3½cups
Whole wheat flour - 4cups
All purpose flour - 1cup
Baking powder - 3tbsp
Baking soda - 1tbsp
Salt - 1tbsp
Sugar - 1tbsp
Vegetable oil - ¾cup

  • Grind the oats until lightly crushed, but not completely powdered.
  • In a stand mixer, combine all the ingredients and beat until combined.
  • With the mixer running, gradually add vegetable oil until all the oil is mixed into the mix. When you take a handful of mix and squeeze with the hand, it should clump up and hold shape. If it doesn't, then add 1tbsp oil at a time until it does.
  • Store in airtight container in the fridge or in the freezer for indefinite time.
To make the Pancakes: To make the pancakes, whisk the mix with some buttermilk or a combination of yogurt and milk, orange juice and egg (or egg replacer). Orange juice is a strange ingredient here, but it is required because the acidity in orange juice tames the bitterness usually associated with wholewheat. Also after mixing all the ingredients, let the batter rest for at least 15 minutes, this ensures that the whole grains absorb moisture and soften resulting in fluffy pancakes.
Whole Grain Pancake

Whole Grains Pancakes
Ingredients: Makes about 10 pancakes
Pancake Mix - 1cup
Buttermilk - 1cup (Use ½cup of yogurt & ½cup of milk)
Orange Juice - 1tbsp
Egg - 1, beaten (I used 1tbsp egg replacer whisked with 3tbsp water. Flax egg can also be used)

  • Whisk the pancake mix with the other ingredients until just mixed, few lumps are OK. Do not overmix. Let the mix rest for at least 15 minutes.
  • Heat a griddle on medium heat. Spray with cooking spray, add ¼cup of batter and cook until golden, about 2~3 minutes. Flip and cook on the second side for about 1~2 minutes.
Whole Grain Pancake
Lets check out what my fellow marathoners have cooked today for BM# 35.


  1. Love the cute shaped pancakes.

  2. Looks yummy and tempting, i wish i was kid and mom would make this cute mickey for me.

  3. Pavani, what fun-looking pancakes, and they're so healthy too! I love oats in pancakes-- they always add that extra something and so much great texture. Nice idea to turn it into a gift.

  4. This is such a needy recipe! Looks wonderful Pavani....Orange juice is a very different ingredient, but I can imagine that the acidity would help break down the complexity of the whole grain. I am definitely making this. Thanks for sharing :) Please link the recipe to my kid's delight event when you get a chance.

  5. Wow such a wonderful recipe and cute pancakes ! Bookmarked...

  6. Wow that's such a super duper pancake mix you to go to such lengths to get dishes that are Kid approved..very nice..I am so looking fwd to the rest of the series..

  7. i make similar mix myself. love the cut out shapes you made the pancakes

  8. The shape that you have made is awesome. Will try it out on the kid who insists she is grown up :D but still loves these touches. Thanks Pavani

  9. Thanks for the sharing of such information. we will pass it on to our readers. This is a great reading. Thanking you

    pancake mixes


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