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August 24, 2013

Basic Set up for Food Photography

Blogging Marathon# 31: Week 4/ Day 1
Theme: Moderator's Choice/ Behind the Scenes of a Click
Dish: Banana Bread Oatmeal
We start the final week of Blogging Marathon today and my theme for this week is 'Moderator's Choice'. Our moderator, Valli, gave us 5 themes to choose from. For the first day I chose to show you behind the scenes of one of my click, Banana bread Oatmeal.
Banana Bread Oatmeal
One of the most important aspect of food photography (or any photo in general) is lighting. Natural lighting is the cheapest and best option. The thing to note is not all light is is good for taking pictures, like for example harsh day light creates shadows that results in unappealing food photos. Light changes during the day and differs in intensity and color in different seasons. Knowing and understanding light is one of the biggest step towards taking better food photos.

Banana Bread Oatmeal
In my house, depending on the time of day I'm doing the photo shoot, I have 3 places where I set up and take pictures. Today I'm showing you my set up in the dining room. I get plenty of morning sunlight here until about noon time, so if I cook something for the blog before lunch, this is where I take my photos.
Set up for Food Photography
As you can see I have big windows with blinds (not shown in the picture) letting in lots of light. I'm lazy to use diffusers (white bed sheet or vellum paper), so I just manipulate the blinds to get light that I like. I have white foam boards that I use to bounce light back and avoid shadows.
Set up for Food Photography
All of the set up is pretty basic and all of my pictures are taken when my kids are doing whatever they are doing near the table. 9 out of 10 times my little princess is holding onto my legs begging to pick her up or hovering around to see what's going on. 
Set up for Food Photography
Here's the final click.
Banana Bread Oatmeal
Lets check out what my fellow marathoners have cooked today for BM# 31.


  1. Nice post. It is always useful to see the behind the scenes of a click. Will check out what the other bloggers have posted for the behind the scene of a clicks

  2. very interesting and useful the basic set up which gives such amazing pics..always appreciated your pics.

  3. Amazing Pavani! I am so glad you took this up, I was so hoping you would..:)..You know more than the actual post, this is what interests me. How one does what one does..and with your lil ones around you still manage to click awesome pictures! your lil one peeping out like that...and with just few things you really inspire others to know that you can still get great pictures if you know how..thanks..:)

  4. You were overdue on this posts Pavani, the secret of your beautiful pictures is finally out, thanks a tonne, i absolutely love your pictures

  5. Wow, such an interesting and very easy set up, very useful for novice like me.

  6. As you say,our little ones are always behind us ,either pulling the napkins,or taking the props.Yet we triumph in all these.Good post.

  7. Wonderful set up and quite useful post for us to learn basics of photography! Your little one peeping behind the table looks sooo cute !

  8. Hey Pavani, good use of light, and easy tutorial.Am impressed ! :)

  9. I agree that a basic setup and a know how of light manipulation is the secret to amazing pictures!! Love your little one peeping in one of the pics!!

  10. Wow Pavani. This is amazing. I will try and imitate what you do. Thanks

  11. Amazing post Pavani,even my lil one is doing the same...

  12. Loved this post Pavani and the lil one peeping from behind the table is so cute :)

  13. ohh...they look yummy and gorgeous...cookings set

  14. I've ne'er seen this before, however like Jenna on top of, filet was my initial thought too. I bet shrimp would be smart on that too. And currently i am hungry
    cookings set

  15. I agree that a basic setup and a skills of sunshine manipulation is that the secret to amazing pictures!! Love your child peeping in one amongst the pics!!
    cookings set


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