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July 19, 2013

Milk Chocolate Ice Cream

Blogging Marathon# 30: Week 3/ Day 3
Theme: Kid's Delight - Summer Special
Dish: Milk Chocolate Ice Cream
Day 3 of Blogging Marathon# 30 and today's kid approved Summer treat for Chef Mireille's Kid's Delight: Summer Special event is this cool and creamy Milk Chocolate Ice cream. This is a very decadent dessert, perfect on a sunny day (or any day for that matter). 
I've been making eggless ice creams for quite sometime now and I've had good success with it. But this recipe uses 4 egg yolks. I had frozen some egg yolks after using the whites in making Strawberry birthday cake for 2 little girls who share the same birthday. As I was looking for recipes to use up the frozen yolks, I found this recipe for Milk Chocolate Ice cream on Annies- Eats. The recipe sounded amazing and the pic was too tempting, so I gave it a try and the resulting ice cream was super creamy and delicious.
Milk Chocolate Ice Cream
After visiting Annies Eats I realized that July is National Ice Cream month. 3rd Sunday in July (that is the 21st of this month) is declared as 'National Ice Cream Sunday'.
This ice cream is served with brownie bits stirred into it. I made vegan brownie bites with cream cheese from a cookbook that I just borrowed from the library (Betty goes Vegan). But it was an epic failure, I think I have to blame myself for it. I used mini cupcake pan and probably overfilled it, so all the brownies stuck to each other on the top and also got stuck to the insides of the pan. It was messy to get them out, but nevertheless they tasted awesome.
My failed attempt at making brownie bites :-(
My son loved the ice cream, but didn't really care for the brownie bits in them, he preferred to eat them separately -- which is totally fine with me as it looked like a double shot of sugar when eaten together anyway.
Milk Chocolate Ice Cream
You can use your favorite homemade brownie recipe or just use some store bought ones or simply skip them altogether. This ice cream is delicious served any way. 
Milk Chocolate Ice Cream
Whole Milk - 1½cups
Heavy Cream - 1½cups
Milk Chocolate - 8oz., chopped (with at least 30% cocoa solids, I used Trader Joe's milk chocolate)
Sugar - 2/3cup
Egg Yolks - 4
Salt - a pinch

  • Melt chopped chocolate along with heavy cream in a microwave safe bowl in 30 second increments until the chocolate is completely melted. Alternately use a double boiler to melt the chocolate. Set aside and place a fine mesh sieve on the bowl. 
  • In a small saucepan, heat milk, sugar and salt until bubbles start to form around the edges. Turn off the heat and let the mixture cool for 5 minutes.
  • In the meantime, whisk yolks until creamy. Slowly add the warm milk mixture to the egg yolks, whisking continuously. Add this mixture back into the saucepan, cook on medium flame whisking constantly until the mixture starts to thicken and coats the back of the spoon, about 4-6 minutes.
  • Remove from heat and pour on to the sieve placed on the chocolate-cream mixture. Mix well and let it chill completely, at least 4-6 hrs, preferably overnight.
  • Make sure to freeze the ice cream canister and follow manufacturers instructions to churn the ice cream. Serve frozen with the toppings of choice.
Milk Chocolate Ice Cream
Lets check out what my fellow marathoners have cooked today for BM# 30.
Sending this over to Valli's Summer Special Mela @ Cooking4allSeasons.


  1. The whole concept sounds interesting...I am sure we could make the I e cream eggless too..super one Pavani!!

  2. Gorgeous looking ice-cream. Wish I had an ice-cream maker too. Had looked up ice cream makers on Amazon some time back but wasn't sure how well they'd work in Indian conditions..

  3. OMG Pavani, you really manage to make us hang out literally!..such droolworthy pics and I can't decide which one is better! only problem being this with eggs, I guess I will have to make do with admiring the pics..:)

  4. Omg, such a stunning and extremely irresistible icecream..drooling here.

  5. My son was literally drooling on the screen :)
    Looks very very delicious.

  6. Mouthwatering and rich creamy icecream..

  7. Sinfully delicious and mouth watering ice creams!!! who can say no to this!!

  8. Wow,ice cream looks fabulous....


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