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November 15, 2011

Kid’s Delight Event Announcement – Deceptively Delicious

I am sure most of you would agree that you would prefer a healthy brownie with beets/ spinach in it instead of a bowl of salad greens. I know I definitely would. Brownie to me means rich, decadent and it does not matter if it is made with healthy ingredients and is completely raw. It’s the look and feel of the food that we are so used to that matter most. 

The same is true for kid’s foods. I’ll bet my son would rather eat that brownie without complaining than eat just beets & spinach as sides. So for this month’s Kid’s Delight event, I’m looking for dishes that are "deceptively" delicious. Make your kids’ favorite dish healthier by adding nutritious ingredients but still make it tasting good and looking delicious. 

My inspiration for the theme is borrowed from Jessica Seinfeld’s Deceptively Delicious cookbook. Jessica is the wife of famous comedian Jerry Seinfeld and she came up with bunch of ideas to hide healthy ingredients in foods that her kids loved. 

So put on your thinking caps or flip through this book (or any other book for that matter) and come up with healthy alternates to dishes that your kids enjoy. Thanks to Valli for giving me the opportunity to host this month's Kid's Delight event. 
Event runs from November 15th to December 15th 

Here are the rules:
  • Multiple entries are allowed. 
  • Archived recipes allowed only if re-posted. 
  • Feel free to submit the entry to multiple events, but I’d really appreciate if you make something special for this event.
  • Only Ovo-Lacto vegetarian dishes are allowed. I’ll be really excited if you can remake your kids favorite meat dish into a vegetarian dish.
  • Make sure to link back to this announcement page and Valli’s Kid’s Delight post
  • Use of Logo is optional.
  • Non-bloggers can email their entries to
Here’s how to send your entries: 

Event ends December 15th at 11:59PM PST (it’s OK if you are few hours off, I won’t count that against you) Send me your entries to with the following information: 

  • Your Name 
  • Blog Name 
  • Blog URL 
  • Entry Name 
  • Entry URL
  • Please also include a brief description of the dish and how your kid liked/ enjoyed it.
  • I plan on getting the pictures from your post myself, but if your blog blocks right clicking, please send me a picture of at least 480pixels wide. 
 Looking forward to all your entries.



  1. Interesting one Pavani. Hope you are doing good. Will try to participate.

  2. Happy hosting Pavani,will send my entries soon.

  3. This is such a great idea! Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with.

    Cheese Curds and Kimchi

  4. Nice event.Will send in an entry soon. With my blogging marathon theme being the same will have a few entries to send in.

  5. Thanks for hosting Pavani, that's a great theme..

  6. Happy hosting. will try tp participate :)

  7. just sent you my entry Pavani.. Do let me know if it fits into the theme..

    200th Post & Giveaway


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