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May 12, 2009

Cook's Hideout Turns 3

Wednesday Night around 6:30PM:
Husband: You look really tired. Do you want to order pizza or have some Chinese take-out?
Wife: Oh.. no. today I’ve to make that Aloo baingan for Cook with me: Potato event. It’s already past due, but sweet Jane agreed to accept my entry.

Saturday Night around 8:00PM
, husband and wife coming back from shopping.
Husband: Its dinner time already, why don’t we stop by Olive Garden or Chili’s and have dinner?
Wife: Oh.. no.. I have soaked rajma to make these double decker parathas from Tarla dalal’s website for Show your Roti event. It’s due tonight, so we better hurry, I still have to take pics, upload and do my post.

These are typical conversations we have at home. It has been more than 6 months that we went to a restaurant or even had take-out which is the direct result of food blogging and submitting entries to events and I love it. In this present economy we are saving those 50-100$ that were otherwise spent eating out. And to top it off, with half the money saved we have been enjoying different foods from all over the world. It’s awesome. (also to be honest, a girl needs those extra bucks for shoes and bags—don’t you agree??)
Cook’s Hideout turns THREE today and it has been a great journey so far. I’ve tried and tasted new recipes from fellow bloggers, cooked & baked from cook books and shared some of my own recipes. I’ve made a number of blogger buddies and miss them when they don’t post for more than a week.
I almost forgot to mention the three very interesting events that I’ll be hosting this year.
June: Cooking For Kids
August: Jihva for Ingredients and
September: A Worldly Epicurean’s Delight.

I’m very excited about what is in store for my blog in the coming year. Wish me luck with everything guys.



  1. Haha..It also happened with me some time back,as i had to catch up for the event on the last day i changed my program for dinner....
    Anyways Congrats for entering successfully into 4th year of blogging...All the best!!

  2. congratulations, Pavani!!! May the blog celebrate many more of these! Happy bloggin :)

  3. LOL.....that is the bliss of blogging....Wish you Cook's hide out many more yummy years......

  4. OMG 3 years, great going Pavani! Many more years of happy blogging!I gonna miss ur first two events (I will be on vacation soon)

  5. Congratulations on three successful years..wish many more to come :)

  6. Yeah same here don't go that much out as i want to try out so many dishes from blogs and to do event.
    Happy b'day to your wonderful Blog and wishing you many many delicous year :-)

  7. lol @ the conversations. typical blog related syndrome :D
    Congratulations and wish you luck for many many more blog anniversaries Pavani. Blogging has surely been fun in more ways than I expected. It's been really nice being in touch with you thru this space.

  8. Wow congrats Pavani :) Keep going! What you said applies to me also..changing the meal menu at the last moment to submit to a event and dining out less frequently than we used to! Haha I liked what u said about saving those extra dollars for shopping-Absolutely!

  9. Congrat Pavani, am laughing on reading the conversation coz its happens often at our home too...Wishing you more and more blogging years!!!

  10. Happy Anniversary/Birthday!!!

  11. Congrats on hosting 3 mazing events Pavani... and indeed we have plans for events and we hardly getta go out true true!!!

  12. Pavani-- your post made me laugh! I could just picture you rushing home to cook for all those events :)
    Congratulations and many, many best wishes on your third blog birthday. May you have many, many more!

  13. Congrats Pavani...wishes for many more wonderful years!

  14. great going pavani 3 years of blogging good keep going wish you many more years like this congrats dear

  15. congrats... eating out does take a second place to trying out the endless wonderful recipes around now.

  16. Congratulations to Cook's Hideout for turning three. I think it is about time for a comeout party.:)
    Looking forward to many more delicious ruchulu from you and family. Happy Anniversary, Pavani!


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