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May 30, 2009

Annoncing Cooking For Kids-Leafy Greens

Its time to announce June edition of Cooking for Kids (CFK), a monthly event started by Sharmi @ Neivedyam. Sharmi passed on the baton to guest hosts so she could take sometime to settle down in her new home. So I will be your guest host for this month and the theme is....... drum roll please... LEAFY GREENS.
There are many kids that gag to eat their greens, but as parents we want them to enjoy what they eat. So this month lets make some dishes that the kids love and want to eat.
We all know that green leafy vegetables are nutitional powerhouses and they offer a bumper crop health benefits ranging from mental sharpness to weight management. Enlisting all the health benefits would probably be take more than one post here, so for more information, visit here, here and here.
For the event you can make a dish were the greens feature as the main ingredient like in this spinach smoothie (sounds a little weird.. but I'm sure is healthy & tasty.. will the kids like it is the BIG question) or can be sneaked into a dish like in these scumptious brownies.

So put on your thinking caps and come up with delicious recipes with leafy greens that are healthy and nutritious, yet yummy and kid-friendly. Here are some rules:
  • Make a vegetarian dish with leafy greens (find a list of greens here) during the month of June and send the link the link my way by June 30. Eggs & Cheese are allowed.
  • Greens can be the main ingredient or can be sneaked into other dishes. I'm especially looking forward to delicious smoothies & desserts with green goodness.
  • Old posts are welcome, but please re-post them for the event in June.
  • Please link back to this post and to Sharmi's original CKF announcement.
  • Use of the logo is optional.
  • Multiple entries are always welcome.
  • Send in your entries to before June 30th, before midnight EST. Round up will be posted by the following weekend, July 4th or 5th.
  • Don't have a blog, then just email me your entries, I'll post them here at Cook's Hideout and include them in the round up.
  • I will respond to your emails asap, but if I don't reply in 2 days please send me a reminder email or leave a comment. (just so I can check my SPAM folder)..


  1. Lovely theme Pavani. Happy hosting.


  2. Hi.. I am new blogger..
    you have a very good blog.. thank you :)

  3. Nice theme dear..happy hosting :)

  4. Mine neve reat her greens, except if i make spincah in cream sauce.

  5. Great theme Pavani. Happy hosting!

  6. nice theme pavani, happy hosting

  7. Nice theme Pavani..will send my entries soon!

  8. Hi Pavani, My hearty wishes and good luck! Nice ingredient! Hope to see lots of entries!

  9. Hi Pavani,
    I have sent in my entry. Do have a look.
    BTW, I liked you name very much. :-)

  10. Hi Pavani,
    sent my entry,kindly check n let me know if its ok or not.


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