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June 26, 2016

Peach Ice Cream (Eggless Recipe)

Blogging Marathon#65: Week 4/ Day 3
Theme: Bookmarked Recipes 
Dish: Peach Ice Cream
I didn't know that peach ice cream existed until I had it at a dairy farm last summer. It tasted so fresh and full of peach flavor. I was looking for an opportunity to make it and when I saw peaches on sale in our local grocery I bought and made this yummy ice cream.
Eggless Peach Ice Cream
When buying peaches, look for fruit that smell like what you want them to taste like. One good thing about peaches is that they ripen even after they have been picked. So you can buy them slightly ripe and finish ripening at home. But make sure to buy peaches that are heavy for their size but are not too hard (these will never ripen).

June 25, 2016

Coconut Peanut Sesame Chutney

Blogging Marathon#65: Week 4/ Day 2
Theme: Bookmarked Recipes 
Dish: Coconut-Sesame Chutney from Priya
I'm always looking for different chutneys to serve with idli, dosa or upma. So when Priya did a whole month of Dosa-chutney recipes for the mega marathon, I knew I will have a lot of interesting chutneys and dosas bookmarked to try. 
Coconut Sesame Chutney
I really wanted to try her jackfruit savory dosa and the breadfruit peel chutney, but haven't had a chance. Do check Priya's space from some amazing Indian and International dishes, her bakes are out of this world.

June 24, 2016

Rose Milkshake

It's officially Summer in our neck of woods and the temperatures are slowly rising. So this colorful and refreshing Rose milkshake is just perfect for the season. Recipe is from a TV cooking show.
Rose Milk shake
It wasn't until recently that I got to know that my mom likes rose milkshake. We were talking on the phone a few weeks ago and she was telling me about how she used to drink it when she was little. I wish she had told me that while she was in US, I would have made this for her. Next time she visits us, I know what to make for her.

Wheat flour Kuzhi Paniyaram

Blogging Marathon#65: Week 4/ Day 1
Theme: Bookmarked Recipes 
Dish: Wheat flour Kuzhi Paniyaram from Sandhya
We are starting the last week of blogging marathon today and my theme is 'Bookmarked Recipes'. This happens to be one of my favorite themes because it gives me a chance to try some of the recipes that I bookmarked. First up are these delicious Wheat flour Kuzhi Paniyaram from Sandhya.
Instant Paniyaram
Sandhya made these instant paniyaram for the mega marathon and they looked too good to pass up. So I bookmarked them and tried them right away. Paniyarams are usually made with leftover idli batter, but this instant version uses atta (or whole wheat flour) and doesn't need any fermenting.

June 19, 2016

Chettinad Beet Kola Urundai (Indian style Beet Croquettes)

Blogging Marathon# 65: Week 3/ Day 3
Theme: 1 Vegetable -- 3 Dishes
Dish: Beet Kola Urundai
For the final day of this week's marathon, I made these delicious Chettinad style Beet kola urundai. Some of my BM friends have made them during the last mega marathon and I thought they were very interesting but I wasn't sure how they would taste.
Indian style Beet Croquettes
These urundai can be made by soaking and grinding dal like in Gayathri's recipe. But I wasn't really prepared to make this dish the day I made them, so went with Nalini's recipe for an instant recipe which uses ground roasted gram to hold them together.

June 18, 2016

Beet and Quinoa Salad

Blogging Marathon# 65: Week 3/ Day 2
Theme: 1 Vegetable -- 3 Dishes
Dish: Beet and Quinoa Salad with Spinach
I have another salad with beets today. This one's with quinoa, carrot, edamame and other delicious and nutritious super foods.
Colorful Beet & Quinoa Salad
Recipe is from Cookie & Kate. Original recipe suggests using spiralized beets and carrots. Spiralized vegetables are quite a craze these days. I have one, but I haven't figured out how to use it yet. But grating the vegetables give the same salad almost same texture.

June 17, 2016

Sweet Milk Ice Cream

Here's a recipe for ice cream that tastes like the kulfi we are used to eating in India. This recipe for Sweet milk ice cream is from King Arthur catalog. It is one of the few recipes that I made the same day I saw it.
Ice Cream without Eggs
Fortunately I had all the ingredients on hand and the ice cream base came together in no time, though I had to wait overnight to freeze and make the ice cream. This recipe is made from a predominantly milk base instead of a custard base (with eggs) but it is creamy and almost gelato-like. The tapioca starch takes the place of the eggs to stabilize the base, lending it a rich, creamy texture to the finished ice cream.

Indian Style Beet Salad

Blogging Marathon# 65: Week 3/ Day 1
Theme: 1 Vegetable -- 3 Dishes
Dish: Indian Style Beet Salad
We are starting a new week of blogging marathon today and my theme for this week is to pick 1 vegetables and make 3 dishes. My favorite eggplant and the family favorite potato were fighting to get into the spotlight this week, but I wanted to give the less favored Beets a chance, so this way I can add new recipes to my repertoire.
Beet Salad with Peanuts and Cashews
I am not a big fan of beets but at the same time I don't completely dislike it. The whole family is against it -- the color doesn't attract them at all, I think it actually make them go the other way. Anyway my husband liked this beet salad that I made during the detox diet (I guess he was forced to like it after eating the same dishes 3 days straight), so that is one of the main reasons for picking Beets for the week.

June 14, 2016

Egyptian Ghorayebah or Ghreybeh Cookies for #Food of the World

For this month's Food of the World event, we are going to Egypt. I have a ton of vegetarian Egyptian recipes bookmarked that I wanted to try for today, but then I ended up making these easy-to-make 3-ingredient cookies.
Ghorayebah or Ghreybeh
I met some of my blog buddies last month and I was wondering what to take for them. Then I googled for Egyptian cookies and these Ghorayabeh or Ghreybeh came up. Like I said the recipe only has 3 ingredients and is very easy to put together with ingredients straight from the pantry. Some of the recipes had cardamom, but I kept it plain. If you want add a little ground cardamom or vanilla to flavor the cookies.

Wholewheat Sweet Rolls with Mango Filling for #BreadBakers

We are baking with stone fruit for Bread Bakers this month. Our lovely host Mir, asked us to bake a bread with any kind of stone fruit, in any form, fresh, dried or juice. There are quite a few fruits to pick from like peaches, plums, apricots, nectarines and mango.
Sweet Rolls
With so many fruits to choose from, I was initially confused on what fruit to choose and which bread to bake. But finally decided on baking these sweet rolls with fresh mango. I flavored them with a little bit of ground cardamom instead of cinnamon.

June 12, 2016

Easy Bananas Foster with Homemade caramel sauce

Blogging Marathon#65: Week 2/ Day 3
Theme: 1 Sauce -- 2 Dishes
Dish: Easy Bananas Foster with Homemade caramel sauce
For the final day of this week's marathon, I have a very simple and very delicious dessert with banana, caramel sauce and vanilla ice cream. It is called Bananas Foster and is a dish that was created in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Traditionally bananas are cooked in butter and sugar until browned and then alcohol (rum or banana liqueur) is added and ignited. This cooking process of adding alcohol to a hot pan and creating a burst of flame is called Flambé (which means flamed in French). This dish puts on quite a show when served this way. But today's recipe doesn't have any alcohol or the special effects in it.

June 11, 2016

Almond Rice Pudding with Homemade Caramel Sauce

Blogging Marathon#65: Week 2/ Day 2
Theme: 1 Sauce -- 2 Dishes
Dish: Almond Rice Pudding with Salted Caramel Sauce
I LOVE rice pudding but hardly ever make it because of my husband is not fond of milky desserts. When I saw this rice pudding with caramel sauce, I was initially skeptical to try because I feared it was going to be too too sweet. But it was probably the best rice pudding I ever made.
Rice Pudding with Caramel Sauce
I had some almond milk that needed to be used, so I used it to make the rice pudding. You can use regular or other non-dairy milk. But the creaminess of the dish might suffer a little bit with some of the milk alternates.

June 10, 2016

Methi Tomato Paneer

This Methi-Tomato Paneer curry recipe is from a Telugu cooking show. It is a simple curry with very simple ingredients, methi, tomato and paneer. It is a great side dish for rice or roti.
Methi Paneer for Rotis
I planted my little vegetable garden few weeks back and the saplings have slowly started to grow. My methi plants are also slowly grwoing. Hopefully I can get to cook with my own methi leaves soon :-)

Homemade Caramel Sauce

Blogging Marathon#65: Week 2/ Day 1
Theme: 1 Sauce -- 2 Dishes
Dish: Caramel Sauce
We are starting a brand new week of blogging marathon today and my theme for this week is '1 Sauce -- 2 dishes using that sauce'. I clarified with Valli if the sauce had to be savory and she said sweet sauces are also fine. I made this caramel sauce couple of months back and it has been in my drafts. So posting the recipe for caramel sauce today and I have 2 absolutely decadent recipes using this sauce coming up in the next couple of days.
Foolproof Caramel sauce recipe
Making caramel has always intimidated me, I burnt quite a few pans and quite a bit of sugar that I even stopped trying. But then happened to see this easy to make caramel sauce recipe on Food52 and I gave it a try.

June 05, 2016

Chocolate Pudding Pops

Blogging Marathon#65: Week 2/ Day 2
Theme: Kid's Summer Vacation Recipes
Dish: Chocolate Pudding Pops
So for the final day of this week's blogging marathon, I have any sweet treat for the kids. The recipe for these Chocolate pudding pops is from Nupur's blog and I knew I would make them as soon as I saw her post.
Chocolate Popsicles
Both my kids son love chocolate and these pops are perfect afternoon treat for a warm summer afternoon. They are very easy to make, make some chocolate pudding, pour into molds, freeze and serve.

June 04, 2016

Lemonade Concentrate

Blogging Marathon#65: Week 2/ Day 2
Theme: Kid's Summer Vacation Recipes
Dish: Lemonade Concentrate
Whenever my son thinks he needs money to buy something from school, he asks if he can open a lemonade stand. My answer is always is 'go ahead, but don't ask me to make the lemonade'. He doesn't really get the concept that he has to spend money first to earn later.
Lemon Lime Concentrate
But I wanted to make him lemonade anyway because my husband bought 2 huge bags of limes and lemons and as they say when life gives you lemons (and limes), make lemonade. Which is exactly what I did :-)

June 03, 2016

Homemade Sambar Powder

I usually use store bought Sambar powder and MTR brand happens to be my favorite. But recently I ran out of it and couldn't go to the Indian store to buy more. So that is when I made this homemade sambar powder from Dakshin cookbook by Chandra Padmanabhan.
South Indian Spice Powder
Freshly made sambar powder is very flavorful and adds a lot of taste to the dish. It can be stored in an airtight container for up to 3 months. Here are some sambar recipes on the blog for some inspiration.

Baked Maple Doughnuts

Blogging Marathon#65: Week 1/ Day 1
Theme: Recipes for Kid's Summer Vacation
Dish: Baked Maple Doughnuts
We are starting a brand new month of blogging marathon today and my theme for the first week is 'dishes you would make for kids during their summer vacation'. That's quite a long name for a theme :-) but that is how difficult it is to feed hungry kids when they are at home.
Maple Donuts
I asked my kids what they would like me to post for this week and they gave me a few options, so for the next 3 days I've 3 dishes that are kid friendly and approved by my kids.